Governance & Regulatory Compliance

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Governance & Regulatory Compliance

Private business sector companies’ boards of directors have responsibilities to ensure that corporate governance standards are adhered to and that all regulatory requirements are complied with and that business risks are effectively managed and a solid corporate governance has become a necessity to better manage the stakeholders and create value to the owners.

  1. Board composition advisory.
  2. Develop corporate governance framework and manual.
  3. Board and committee’s assessment.
  4. Develop compliance policy and framework.
  5. Design and establish the compliance function.
  6. Independent assessment of the compliance function.
  7. Design compliance intelligence dashboards and reporting packs.
  8. Independent compliance reviews.
  9. Assess AML system.
  10. Design AML intelligence dashboards and reporting packs.
  11. AML investigations.
  12. SOX Section 404 readiness assessment.
  13. Risk based processes documentation.
  14. Internal control testing.
  15. Independent assessment of SOX compliance function/activities.