Technology Risk Advisory

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Technology Risk Advisory

Technology has become an integral part of the daily life of everyone irrespective of their generation and the rise of the digital era has transformed the landscape of all industries and market sectors, making the digital presence a need as opposed to an accessory; which is evident in the flourishing of e-commerce and global reach of social media that have contributed to the success of many businesses and the demise of many who could not or chose not to ride the wave of change.

The digital revolution and rapidly evolving technology bring new opportunities that if not embraced, would jeopardize the business continuity of any organization. Alongside these opportunities emerge a suite of continuously evolving risks which, dependent on how they are managed, would make the difference between thriving or failure of any organization.

Data fraud and/or theft, critical information infrastructure breakdown, cyberattacks and the adverse consequences of the technological advancements are some of the risks that are globally recognized to be some of the prominent risks associated with technology.